[R] bVar slot of lmer objects and standard errors

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Sun Feb 26 01:27:46 CET 2006

	  I shall provide herewith an example of what I believe is "the 
conditional posterior variance of a random effect".  I hope someone more 
knowledgeable will check this and provide a correction if it's not 
correct.  I say this in part because my simple rationality check (below) 
didn't match as closely as I had hoped.

	  I don't have easy access to the "hlmframe" of your example, so I used 
the example in the "lmer" documentation:

(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
    Data: sleepstudy
       AIC      BIC    logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
  1753.628 1769.593 -871.8141   1751.986     1743.628
Random effects:
  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
  Subject  (Intercept) 612.090  24.7405
           Days         35.072   5.9221  0.066
  Residual             654.941  25.5918
# of obs: 180, groups: Subject, 18

	  I think we want the "Residual Variance" of 654.941 (Std.Dev. of 
25.5918).  To get this, let's try "VarCorr":

(vC.fm1 <- VarCorr(fm1))
2 x 2 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix"
             (Intercept)     Days
(Intercept)   612.09032  9.60428
Days            9.60428 35.07165

[1] 25.59182

	  Our desired 25.5918 is 'attr(,"sc")' here.  We get that as follows:

(s. <- attr(vC.fm1, "sc"))
[1] 25.59182

	  Next, by studying 'str(fm1)' and earlier emails you cite, we get the 
desired conditional posterior covariance matrix as follows:

 > (condPostCov <- (s.^2)*fm1 at bVar$Subject)
, , 1
          [,1]       [,2]
[1,] 145.7051 -21.444432
[2,]   0.0000   5.312275
, , 18
          [,1]       [,2]
[1,] 145.7051 -21.444432
[2,]   0.0000   5.312275

	  This actually gives us only the upper triangular portion of the 
desired covariance matrices.  The following will make them all symmetric:

condPostCov[2,1,] <- condPostCov[1,2,]

	  As a check, I computed the covariance matrix of the estimated random 
effects. To get this, I reviewed str(ranef(fm1)), which led me to the 

  var(ranef.fm1 at .Data[[1]])
             (Intercept)     Days
(Intercept)   466.38503 31.04874
Days           31.04874 29.75939

	  These numbers are all much larger than "condPostCov".  However, I 
believe this must be a random bounce -- unless it's a deficiency in my 
understanding (in which case, I hope someone will provide a correction).

	  Ulrich:  Would you mind checking this either with a published example 
or a Monte Carlo and reporting the results to us?

	  Viel Glück,
	  spencer graves
Ulrich Keller wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm sorry to resurrect this thread that I started almost two months ago. 
> I've been pretty busy since I posted my question and the issue is not 
> that high on my priority list. Thanks to all those who replied, and I 
> hope I can tickle your interest again.
> As a reminder, my question was how one can extract the conditional 
> posterior variance of a random effect from the bVar slot of an lmer 
> model. Thanks to your answers, I now understand that I have to use the 
> diagonal elements of the conditional matrices. However, I am not quite 
> sure what this means:
> Douglas Bates wrote:
>>I'd have to go back and check but I think that these are the upper
>>triangles of the symmetric matrix (as Spencer suggested) that are the
>>conditional variance-covariance matrices of the two-dimensional 
>>random effects for each school up to a scale factor.  That is, I think
>>each face needs to be multiplied by s^2 to get the actual
>>variance-covariance matrix.
> What is s^2? Where can I find it in the lmer object? I tried reading the 
> source, but gave up fairly quickly. Thanks in advance for your replies, 
> and this time I promise I'll be more responsive.
> Uli
> My original post:
>>I am looking for a way to obtain standard errors for 
emprirical Bayes estimates of a model fitted with lmer
(like the ones plotted on page 14 of the document
available at

Harold Doran mentioned 
that  the posterior modes' variances can be found in the bVar
slot of lmer objects. However, when I fit e.g. this model:
>>then lmertest1 at bVar$schoolid is a three-dimensional 
array with dimensions (2,2,28). The factor schoolid

has 28 levels, and there are random effects for the
intercept and m_escs_c, but what does the third
dimension correspond to? In other words, what are
the contents of bVar, and how can I use them to
get standard errors?
>>Thanks in advance for your answers and Merry Christmas,
>>Uli Keller
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