[R] Problem with List() Inside Function

Peter Lauren peterdlauren at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 23 16:32:13 CET 2006

I have a function declared thus.
FirstEigenvectorBoundary.Training <-
Header=TRUE, Colour="red")

Inside the function, I have the following call

y=-0.8, z=NumMetricsSelected);

NumMetricsSelected has the value 2 and Eigenvectors
has the following form
           [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
[1,]  0.6404630 -0.2153989  0.7371638
[2,] -0.6081319  0.4439621  0.6580830
[3,]  0.4690231  0.8697706 -0.1533503

When I do it manually at the console, I get the
correct result.  I.e.
> out
[1] -0.6081319  0.4690231

[1] -0.8

[1] 2

However, when I call the function like this
> Training<-FirstEigenvectorBoundary.Training()

I get
[1] 0.658083

[1] -0.8

[1] 2

That is, the $x element has only one value (instead of
2) and it is from the wrong part of the matrix.

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

Thanks very much,

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