[R] Something changed and glm(..., family=binomial) doesn't work now

White, Charles E WRAIR-Wash DC charles.edwin.white at us.army.mil
Sat Feb 18 14:52:52 CET 2006

"Are you using data=myframe in the glm call? Otherwise, you're open to
masking by variables in your workspace."

FYI, the data statement doesn't seem to be the shortcut it is elsewhere when the form of the argument is glm(cbind(success,failure)~predictor, family=binomial, data=myframe). The data statement doesn't seem to put 'myframe' in the environment where cbind operates. Choices for the user are to fully quality names inside of cbind [i.e., cbind(myframe$success,myframe$failure)] or to attach 'myframe' to the working environment. The same thing happens in lmer.


Charles E. White, Senior Biostatistician, MS
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
503 Robert Grant Ave., Room 1w102
Silver Spring, MD 20910-1557
301 319-9781
Personal/Professional Site: http://users.starpower.net/cwhite571/professional/

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