[R] problem with ROracle - Internal heap ERROR 17177

Marco Kienzle Marco.Kienzle at noaa.gov
Mon Feb 13 20:17:14 CET 2006

Dear R-users,

here is an error that you might encounter when using ROracle.

> library(ROracle)
Loading required package: DBI
> con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("Oracle"), "mkienzle/******@tabs")
> dbListTables(con)
********** Internal heap ERROR 17177 addr=0x0 *********

HEAP DUMP heap name="Alloc statemen"  desc=0x9163cc4
Segmentation fault

People have been reporting such an error when different version of the 
Oracle client and server are used 
(http://homepage.internet.lu/dbacomp/html/9i.html). David James
suggests compiling ROracle using ProC/C++ argument PREFETCH=0.

To do so and fix this problem, you have to re-install ROracle using a 
modified Makefile.in file. Below is a description of how to do so under 

	(1) REMOVE the currently installed ROracle package
	(2) un-pack ROracle-<version>.tar.gz
	(3) modify ROracle/src/Makefile.in by adding the PREFETCH=0 		 
    argument to the ProC/C++ command
	----original version----
	RS-Oracle.c: RS-Oracle.h RS-Oracle.pc
         $(PROC) CODE=$(CODE) MODE=$(MODE) INCLUDE=$(RHOME)/include \
                 PARSE=$(PARSE) LINES=$(LINES) RS-Oracle.pc

	----modified version----
	RS-Oracle.c: RS-Oracle.h RS-Oracle.pc
         $(PROC) CODE=$(CODE) MODE=$(MODE) INCLUDE=$(RHOME)/include \
                 PARSE=$(PARSE) LINES=$(LINES) PREFETCH=0 RS-Oracle.pc

	(4) INSTALL the "modified" ROracle package


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