[R] SUMMARY: aggregate vs. tapply

Joseph LeBouton lebouton at msu.edu
Sun Feb 12 16:36:50 CET 2006

Hi all;

Thanks for the responses to my query of how to make tapply into a table 
instead of an n-dimensional array.  Summary of responses follows:

Peter Dalgaard:

Phil Spector wrote:
z = tapply(y,list(var1,var2,var3,var4),sum)

Hans Gardfjell:
tmp <- 
tmp1 <- with(tmp,aggregate(C,list(A=A,B=B),sum))
tmp2 <- expand.grid(A=sort(unique(tmp$A)),B=sort(unique(tmp$B)))

hadley wickham:
Well, you can almost do this in with the reshape package:
tmp <-
a <- recast(tmp, A + B ~ ., sum)
# see also recast(tmp, A  ~ B, sum)
add.all.combinations(a, row="A", cols = "B")

Good thing there are so many code cats around, 'cause we have so darn 
many ways to skin 'em. Thanks again to all who took the time to answer!!

Joseph P. LeBouton
Forest Ecology PhD Candidate
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824

Office phone: 517-355-7744
email: lebouton at msu.edu

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