[R] R loop

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Mon Feb 6 21:51:47 CET 2006

On 2/6/06 3:06 PM, "ivo welch" <ivowel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am not an R expert, but I think the R idea of this task is to work
> with a data frame (where you make a and b are columns), and then to
> iterate over the rows.
> data <- read.table( textConnection(
> "a b
> 1 name1
> 2 name2
> 3 name3"), header=TRUE) ;  # just learned this one
> for (i in 1:nrow(data)) print( data[i,] );
> or just  data[1:3,]
> apropos, R does not support native hashes (like perl), unfortunately,
> but it has something similar:
> data$a=="b"   # gives F T F
> data[ data$a == "name2" ]  # does not work and gives a weird result,  yuck


Notice the difference from what you did.

> data frame sorting by column (using order) could also be simpler to
> understand for novices---IMHO, there should be a wrapper function that
> is in standard R like
>   data.sorted = sort( data, by=data$b );

Look at ?order.  


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