[R] turn off selected axes in bwplot

William Briggs wib2004 at med.cornell.edu
Mon Feb 6 20:17:37 CET 2006

> Does this do what you want?
> bwplot(<...>,
>       scales = list(x = list(alternating = 1, tck = c(1, 0))))
> This is described in detail under 'scales' in ?bwplot.

Not quite.   This controls, if I've understood it correctly, the axis tick marks and such (I also tried the argument "draw=FALSE" in the list above).  

The analogue I have in mind is the simple plot axes control like this

    plot(<...>, axes=FALSE)

which would only draw the bottom axis, with tick marks and label.  Those arguments, of course, don't work for the lattice graphics, but I did notice a similar control in the panel.aixs() function, but I just don't know how to get to it.

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