[R] readline detection problems

Alexandre Santos Aguiar asaguiar at spsconsultoria.com
Mon Feb 6 04:17:50 CET 2006

> without root access.


In a "normal" Unix environment non root users can't install software. This is 
one of the reasons why Unix systems are more secure.

When you compile readline by "./configure; make; make install"  some system 
files must be created: headers must be installed to include path used by cc 
and gcc, the compiled files must be copied to their proper location and 
perhaps a few symbolic links created.

All these steps are missing in your readline  compilation due to lack of 
privilege and this is probably reported by make.

If readline was installed as a package by the system administrator, perhaps 
you need another package like readline-devel with library headers.

When you run ./configure for R compilation those readline headers are searched 
for and inspected for version and functionality, not only (and less likely) 

Your attempt of changing shell variables will not work since kernels search 
for lib files only in root-only access disk regions and kernels do not care 
for shell variables exactly to avoid overriding legitimate libraries with 
code by non root users. It's a matter of security.

Actually your attempts may be taken as attempts of hacking the system... :-)


          Alexandre Santos Aguiar, MD
- independent consultant for health research -
       R Botucatu, 591 cj 81 - 04037-005
            São Paulo - SP - Brazil
             tel +55-11-9320-2046
             fax +55-11-5549-8760

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