[R] format of 2x2 table

array chip arrayprofile at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 1 21:16:10 CET 2006

Does anyone know how I can generate a 2x2 table in a
format where in each cell of the table, it contains a)
count (frequency) b) total percentage c) row
percentage d) column percentage. SAS can generate this
format easily, is there a R package that can do this?

Frequency |
Percent   |
Row Pct   |
Col Pct   | positive  negative  |  Total
disease   |        6        22  |     28
          |    20.69     75.86  |  96.55
          |    21.43     78.57  |
          |   100.00     95.65  |
normal    |        0         1  |      1
          |     0.00      3.45  |   3.45
          |     0.00    100.00  |
          |     0.00      4.35  |
Total     |        6        23  |     29
          |    20.69     79.31  | 100.00


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