[R] data -> data matrix that can be used in regressions

John Kane jrkrideau at yahoo.ca
Thu Dec 21 15:36:33 CET 2006

--- Ulrich Kaiser <uka at sam.sdu.dk> wrote:

> Dear R users,

> I have spent most of this day figuring out how to
> read STATA data into R
> (which eventually worked) and to run a simple OLS
> regression. It seems
> that the manuals are written in the most general and
> abstract way which
> does not really make it easy to understand what's
> going on.
> I'd be glad if somebody could save my day by:
> telling me how to define a matrix from the variables
> I read into R's
> memory, supposing that the variable are "lkiosk" and
> "lvisits".

Mymatrix <- cbind(lkiosk,lvisits)

Do a class(Mymatrix) to check this.

You might find a simple tutorial like
http://www.math.ilstu.edu/dhkim/Rstuff/Rtutor.html to
be of help. I certainly have.

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