[R] nonparametric significance test for one sample

Greg Snow Greg.Snow at intermountainmail.org
Tue Dec 19 19:43:14 CET 2006

If you data is truly limited to be non-negative and you are testing a
null hypothesis that the true distribution mean is 0, then the test is
fairly straight forward.  There exists only one distribution with mean 0
and all values required to be >= 0 and that is a point mass of 1 at 0.
So if all of your data values are 0 then that means a p-value of 1 and
if any data values are greater than 0 (even if it is only 1 value and it
is only slightly greater than 0) then the p-value is 0.

If you want to then estimate what the true mean is for an unknown
distribution, then you may want to look at using a bootstrap estimate.

Hope this helps, 

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
greg.snow at intermountainmail.org
(801) 408-8111

-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of HelponR
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:29 AM
To: r-help
Subject: [R] nonparametric significance test for one sample

Hello, Gurus:

I tried to test if the sample mean of a dataset is zero.

The data has 1500 numbers with a lot of zeros and some small positive
numbers. The data range on [0,1] but the distribution is unknown.
It is zero inflated anyway.

I tried to use the  Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. But I read from this
website that it does assume the population pdf is symmetric.

"The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test does not require the assumption that the
population is normally distributed. In many applications, this test is
used in place of the one sample
the normality assumption is questionable. It is a more powerful
alternative to the sign test, but does assume that the population
probability distribution is symmetric."

I wonder if wilcox.test( ) in R also assumes the symmetric pdf?

I checked the sign test too. But "the sign *test* is not *testing
equality*of population "

If wilcox.test() cannot work for my data, I wonder if you could suggest
a kind of test? I already tried t-test (assume normality) but I want to
find something else.

Many thanks!


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