[R] R 2.4.1 changes for SuSE users

Detlef Steuer detlef.steuer at hsu-hamburg.de
Tue Dec 19 17:34:25 CET 2006

Hi UseRs!

RPMs for SuSE Versions 9.3 to 10.2 and bleeding edge aka openSUSE_Factory
are available at


as I shifted the creation of these packages onto the Opensuse Build Service compiler farm.
You can use the directories therein as installation sources for the respective versions of SuSE Linux.

My goal is to put R-base back onto (open)suse's installation DVD, as it was a long, long time ago. Well, may be before there were DVDs :-)
As the opensuse developers will take into account the usage of their repository to determine what new packages to include, I recommend using opensuse.org to download the R packages. Besides R-base you'll  find littler and emacs-ess rpms for download. 
R-patched and R-devel will be added soon .

I will not, for the moment, maintain the CRAN directories as installation sources, only as a repository for downloading rpms for a manual install. (There were strange problems anyway ...) So CRAN will stay complete, but I´ll use the comfort of the build service by opensuse.
If the build service will stop some day, I´ll once again start to put proper installation sources on CRAN.

Happy R´ing!

Detlef Steuer
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg
steuer at hsu-hh.de

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