[R] xaxt="n" for image()

javier garcia-pintado jgarcia at ija.csic.es
Tue Dec 19 16:48:38 CET 2006

The argument xaxt="n" for removing the x axis from a image plot does not
work for me.
I'm really using a function called plot.grassmeta() in library GRASS
that is a wrapper for image(), but it seems to me that the problem is
not in plot.grassmeta() but in image().

If I'm right could you tell me if there is a way to remove one axis from
a call to image()?

Thanks and wishes,


Javier García-Pintado
Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC)
Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n, 08028 Barcelona
Phone: +34 934095410
Fax:   +34 934110012
e-mail:jgarcia at ija.csic.es 

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