[R] configure help

Fridolin Wild fridolin.wild at wu-wien.ac.at
Tue Dec 19 14:56:57 CET 2006

Hey Brian,

> But it has nothing to do with the GUI preferences: it applies to the 
> command-line version of R as well.

I was suspecting this argument ;) -- however, I think
from a usability point of view it should be possible
to re-set the default setting also somewhere *within*
the GUI if the GUI installer allows to set it. Maybe
in a different place?

> What about ?help did you not understand? It says

That is where I found how to set it (for my current
workspace). Finding where I can set it *permanently*
was more difficult (especially when you never had
the need to mingle with R-profiles before).

That's why I decided to document it here in the
mailinglist just in case others have troubles
finding it, too.


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