[R] how to adjust link function in logistic regression to predict the proportion of correct responses in 2AFC task?

baud-bovy.gabriel at hsr.it baud-bovy.gabriel at hsr.it
Sat Dec 16 12:45:03 CET 2006

At 07:01 AM 12/16/2006, Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

>What 'glmm' did you have in mind?  Looks like e.g. glmmML and 
>glmmPQL will work with the new link.
>Someone may have been here already: e.g.

Thank you for your reply and the above link. I am not sure yet which
function to use.  I am new at logistic regression for repeated-measure
designs and its various implementations in R.

glmmML seems to require changes at the C-level:

The new link might apparently be added to glmmPQL entirely at the

>Looking at make.link() should give you enough to go on.

If I understood your suggestion well, it is sufficient to add a new
link for the binomial family by extending the make.link function
and adding, say, a "half-logit" link (both for the glm and lme call in

Then, the call to glmmPQL could be


assuming that resp=1 if response is correct and 0 otherwise,
a random intercept (as in glmmML) and an "exchangeable" correlation structure.

Note that it might be better to specify a "random slope" in
this context (since proportions are expected to vary between 0.5 and 1
for all subjects, the main difference being that some subjects might
have a steeper S-shaped curve than others) but I am not sure how to do it.


Gabriel Baud-Bovy
UHSR University, Milan, Italy

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