[R] loop is going to take 26 hours - needs to be quicker!
Jenny Barnes
jmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Thu Dec 14 13:56:16 CET 2006
Dear R-help,
I have a loop, which is set to take about 26 hours to run at the rate it's going
- this is ridiculous and I really need your help to find a more efficient way of
loading up my array gpcc.array:
#My data is stored in a table format with all the data in one long column
#running though every longitute, for every latitude, for every year. The
#original data is sotred as gpcc.data2 where dim(gpcc.data2) = [476928,5] where
#the 5th column is the data:
#make the array in the format I need [longitude,latitude,years]
gpcc.array <- array(NA, c(144,72,46))
for(k in 1:46){
for(j in 1:72){
for(i in 1:144){
n <- n+1
gpcc.array[i,j,k] <- gpcc.data2[n,5]
So it runs through all the longs for every lat for every year - which is the
order the data is running down the column in gpcc.data2 so n increses by 1 each
time and each data point is pulled off....
It needs to be a lot quicker, I'd appreciate any ideas!
Many thanks for taking time to read this,
Jenny Barnes
Jennifer Barnes
PhD student - long range drought prediction
Climate Extremes
Department of Space and Climate Physics
University College London
Holmbury St Mary, Dorking
01483 204149
07916 139187
Web: http://climate.mssl.ucl.ac.uk
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