[R] Rmpi help

Navarro, Rolando (CIP) R.C.NAVARRO at cgiar.org
Thu Dec 7 17:47:11 CET 2006

Hi team,

I am beginning on R and I try to install Rmpi library and I have problems, I have installed LAM-MPI on Rocks;

[rcnavarro at hpc-cip ~]$ laminfo
             LAM/MPI: 7.1.1
              Prefix: /opt/lam/gnu
        Architecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
       Configured by: root
       Configured on: Wed Oct 19 18:12:25 EDT 2005
      Configure host: rocks-156.sdsc.edu
      Memory manager: ptmalloc2
          C bindings: yes
        C++ bindings: yes
    Fortran bindings: yes
          C compiler: gcc
        C++ compiler: g++
    Fortran compiler: g77
     Fortran symbols: double_underscore
         C profiling: yes
       C++ profiling: yes
   Fortran profiling: yes
      C++ exceptions: no
      Thread support: yes
       ROMIO support: yes
        IMPI support: no
       Debug support: no
        Purify clean: no
            SSI boot: globus (API v1.1, Module v0.6)
            SSI boot: rsh (API v1.1, Module v1.1)
            SSI boot: slurm (API v1.1, Module v1.0)
            SSI coll: lam_basic (API v1.1, Module v7.1)
            SSI coll: shmem (API v1.1, Module v1.0)
            SSI coll: smp (API v1.1, Module v1.2)
             SSI rpi: crtcp (API v1.1, Module v1.1)
             SSI rpi: lamd (API v1.0, Module v7.1)
             SSI rpi: tcp (API v1.0, Module v7.1)
             SSI rpi: sysv (API v1.0, Module v7.1)
             SSI rpi: usysv (API v1.0, Module v7.1)
              SSI cr: self (API v1.0, Module v1.0)

But I have problems with Rmpi library:
[rcnavarro at hpc-cip ~]$ mpirun -np 6 -v RMPISNOW
16004 RMPISNOW running on n0 (o)
16005 RMPISNOW running on n0 (o)
mpirun: cannot start RMPISNOW on n1: No such file or directory

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R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
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  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
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Error: 'package.description' is defunct.
Use 'packageDescription' instead.
See help("Defunct")
Error in library(Rmpi) : .First.lib failed for 'Rmpi'
Error: 'package.description' is defunct.
Use 'packageDescription' instead.
See help("Defunct")
Error in library(Rmpi) : .First.lib failed for 'Rmpi'
Error in dyn.unload(x) : dynamic/shared library '/paracel/R/lib64/R/library/Rmpi/libs/Rmpi.so' was not loaded
Error in dyn.unload(x) : dynamic/shared library '/paracel/R/lib64/R/library/Rmpi/libs/Rmpi.so' was not loaded

I dont understand, why?

Please help me.


Navarro Jara, Rolando 
Cisco Certified Network Associate - CCNA
Acesss Grid Project - Information Technology Unit 
International Potato Center 
Phone: 511 - 3496017 Ext. 2146

Navarro Jara, Rolando 
Cisco Certified Network Associate - CCNA
Acesss Grid Project - Information Technology Unit 
International Potato Center 
Phone: 511 - 3496017 Ext. 2146

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