[R] Simulation in R

Alexander Geisler alexander.geisler at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 01:20:49 CET 2006


I have the following problem.

My code:


ergebnisse <- rep(0, each=2)
stichproben <- rep(0, each=2)

for (i in seq(1:2)) {
n <- dim(daten)[1]  	
ix <- sample(n,200) 	# producing samples
samp_i <- daten[ix,]  	
stichproben[i] <- samp_i     # doesn’t works

# Calculation of the model:
posterior_i <- MCMClogit(y ~ fbl.ind + fekq3 + febitda4 + fuvs + fkru + 
fzd + fur3, data=samp_i, b0=prior, B0=precision, tune=0.5) # calculation
ergebnisse[i] <- summary(posterior_i)  # saving the results (works)


I have a data set called "daten". I produce samples of the size 200. The 
samples are saved in samp_i.

How is the easiest way to save this samples. My code doesn't work, only 
the first column of the sample samp_i is in stichproben[i]. I understand 
My idea is to define a array stichproben and then save a matrix in the 
particular fields of the array. But things like
y <- matrix(c(samp_1),nrow=200, ncol=8)
and then saving y in the array stichproben doesn't work.
How is it possible to define a matrix with the content of my samples 
(samp_i) and but them into an array stichproben?
Or is there an easier way?

With kind regards

Alexander Geisler * Kaltenbach 151 * A-6272 Kaltenbach
email: alexander.geisler at gmx.at | alexander.geisler at gmail.com
phone: +43 650 / 811 61 90 | skpye: al1405ex

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