[R] Wombling

José-Manuel Blanco-Moreno jm.blanco at ualberta.ca
Tue Dec 5 23:42:12 CET 2006

    Does anyone know if there is any package in R to perform wombling 
(sensu Barbujani et al. 1990) or a related method? RSiteSearch only 
gives 2 results with "wombling" and I am not aware of any other name for 
the method. Some weeks ago there was a related question on the list but 
there was no response... I acknowledge that programming it wouldn't be 
so difficult (only needs to apply solve() over a grid), but I am not a 
good programmer and I am a little bit concerned with efficiency.

Thank you for any information,

José-Manuel Blanco-Moreno

Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta

CW-405 Biological Sciences Bldg.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2E9

Phone: (1) 780 492 3289
Fax: (1) 780 492 9457

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