[R] problem with lists...

A.R. Ebrahimi a.ebrahimi at ieee.org
Tue Dec 5 12:48:28 CET 2006

Hi guys,
I am new to R, so sorry if my problem seems trivial.

Sometimes I encounter some lists, which I cannot index their components 
with [ . ]
For instance the prcomp() function returns a 'prcomp' object whose 
components are some 'lists'. the second component is a list that 
comtains the following:

 > mylist <- churn[2]

 > class(mylist)
[1] "list"

 > mylist

                            PC1                    PC2                
PC3                    PC4                    PC5                    PC6
Account_Length    -8.930570e-03    2.383719e-03    -2.414908e-02    
-1.004704e-01    9.941468e-01    2.867606e-02
Area_Code            1.543767e-02    -1.710566e-02    -6.258129e-03    
9.945271e-01    1.008478e-01    -8.890155e-03
Intl_Plan                -2.627796e-04    -1.809011e-04    
-9.542965e-05    3.230055e-04    2.148520e-04    -1.622996e-05
VMail_Plan            4.879640e-06    -1.339026e-04    1.639344e-04    
-1.367628e-05    2.897648e-05    5.548126e-04
VMail_Message    -4.174810e-04    -2.969518e-03    4.791422e-03    
-5.643246e-04    -1.752559e-03    1.433728e-02
Day_Mins            -9.845791e-01    2.049519e-02    -4.038624e-02    
1.619195e-02    -8.308484e-03    4.217712e-04
Day_Calls            -2.810874e-03    1.428161e-02    2.837638e-03    
-7.647877e-03    2.532260e-02    -9.431350e-01
Day_Charge        -1.673781e-01    3.483165e-03    -6.864827e-03    
2.752626e-03    -1.412836e-03    7.042886e-05
Eve_Mins            -4.029002e-02    -8.265860e-01    5.544912e-01    
-1.166711e-02    1.426697e-02    -1.087738e-02

It look more like a matrix!
but I cannot access individual items in this list.

 > mylist[1]
'returns the whole think'

 > mylist[1,1]
Error in mylist[1, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions

 > mylist[2]

Would you please help me on this

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