[R] Cross-correlation between two time series data

Juni Joshi joshi_juni at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 30 07:47:49 CEST 2006

   Hi all,

   I  have  two  time  series  data  (say  x  and  y). I am interested to
   calculate the correlation between them and its confidence interval (or
   to  test  no  correlation). Function cor.test(x,y) does the test of no
   correlation. But this test probably is wrong because of autocorrelated

   ccf()  calculates the correlation between two series data. But it does
   not  provide  the  confidence intervals of cross correlation. Is there
   any  function  that  calculates the confidence interval of correlation
   between  two  time  series data or performs the test of no correlation
   between two time series data.



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