[R] NonLinearLeastSquares Trust-Region

Martin Ivanov tramni at abv.bg
Tue Aug 22 17:20:01 CEST 2006


I am running R-2.3.1-i386-1 on Slackware Linux 10.2. I am a former matlab user, moving to R. In matlab, via the cftool, I performed nonlinear curve fitting using the method "nonlinear least squares" with the "Trust-Region" algorithm and not using robust fitting. Is it possible to perform the same  analysis in R? I read quite a lot of R documentation, but I could not find an alternative solution. If there is such, please forgive my ignorance (I am a newbie in R) and tell me which function from which package is capable of performing the same analysis. If the same analysis is not possible to carry out in R, I would be grateful if you suggest to me some alternative procedure. I found that the "nls" function performs nonlinear least squares. The problem is that I do not want to implement the Gauss-Newton algorithm. In the worst case I would be contented with the "Levenberg-Marquardt" algorithm, if it is implemented in R. R nls's documentation mentions the  "port"  package and the 
  ‘nl2sol’ algorithm, but I could not find that package in the CRAN repository, so that I could read and judge whether that algorithm would be appropriate.

Thank you very much in advance. I am looking forward to your answer.

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