[R] Fw: Permutations with replacement

Jesse Albert Canchola jesse.canchola.b at bayer.com
Mon Aug 21 19:51:39 CEST 2006

My apologies, I forgot to CC: to the list on my previous communication 
with Daniel.


----- Forwarded by Jesse Albert Canchola/EMVL/DIAG/US/BAYER on 08/21/2006 
10:50 AM -----

Jesse Albert Canchola/EMVL/DIAG/US/BAYER
08/21/2006 09:36 AM

"Daniel Nordlund" <res90sx5 at verizon.net>

RE: [R] Permutations with replacement

Thanks, Daniel.  I need to enumerate all possibilities of 8^8 and take a 
random sample of 10,000 from there.  Then I will use the sampled 
possibilities to do a combination of data frames/files then do some math 
on those files and develop the probability distribution from resulting 
sampling statistics (I couldn't get the available bootstrap packages to do 
what I want).  BTW, the preferred solution (however inelegant) is 
reprinted below.   I did have a memory problem with the hypercube for 8^8 
so I did an 8^7 hypercube that worked and concatenated a 1-8 to the 8^7 
matrix that resulted in 8 large matrices which I attempted rbind together 
to create the 8^8 but ran into more memory problems (on matrix number 7 of 
8- it's a Windows problem - I used the --max-mem-size=2G - to no avail). 
The final solution was to take a random sample of 10,000/8=1250 from each 
of the files (doing four of the 8 files at a time, and for which I 
permuted the rows to make it more random), removed the heavy-laden files 
then rbind 'ed the smaller sampled files together to make the 10,000.

Here is the final final code:

# IDEA:  We cannot simply do a permutation of the 8 classes/file id's 
since this will not allow/simulate repeats of numbers
#        as in a bootstrap (e.g., for 3 items - 1,2,3 - we would also want 
the possibility 1,1,1 or 2,2,2 or 3,3,3 etc.
#        The 8!=40,320 permutations with replacement would become an 
8^8=16,777,216 so we would want to take a random
#        sample of 10,000 from the posibilities 
# WORKAROUND: 1) Construct the 8 to the 7 power hypercube.  2) For these 
data, create eight additional data sets that include
#             the last position to finish the construction of an 8^8 
#x <- rep(8,8) # for partitions of 8 units into classes {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} 
#hcube8 <- hcube(x, scale=1, transl=0) 

#step 1: 8^7 = 2,097,152
x1 <- rep(8,7)
hcube87 <- hcube(x1, scale=1, transl=0)
#this will generate 2,097,152 results from 1-8 but for only 7 positions

#step 2: column bind each file with 1-8 in the 8th position 
#x1a <- cbind(hcube87,1)
#x2a <- cbind(hcube87,2)
#x3a <- cbind(hcube87,3)
#x4a <- cbind(hcube87,4)
#x5a <- cbind(hcube87,5)
#x6a <- cbind(hcube87,6)
#x7a <- cbind(hcube87,7)
#x8a <- cbind(hcube87,8)

#turns out this method also chokes with the memory limitations
# Step 2 will be modified as follows: 
# Step 2a: as before; Step2b: Sample 1/8 from each piece and after every 4 
processes, delete the objects to allow for the rest.

#Step 2a
x1a <- cbind(hcube87,1)
x1a <- x1a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 
x2a <- cbind(hcube87,2)
x2a <- x2a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 
x3a <- cbind(hcube87,3)
x3a <- x3a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 
x4a <- cbind(hcube87,4)
x4a <- x4a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 

x1b <- x1a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]
x2b <- x2a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]
x3b <- x3a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]
x4b <- x4a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]

rm(x1a,x2a,x3a,x4a) #remove the big files

x5a <- cbind(hcube87,5)
x5a <- x5a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 
x6a <- cbind(hcube87,6)
x6a <- x6a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 
x7a <- cbind(hcube87,7)
x7a <- x7a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 
x8a <- cbind(hcube87,8)
x8a <- x8a[sample(1:2097152),] #randomly permute the rows for more 

x5b <- x5a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]
x6b <- x6a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]
x7b <- x7a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]
x8b <- x8a[sample(1:1250,replace=FALSE),]

rm(x5a,x6a,x7a,x8a) #remove the big files

#Step 3: combine all the randomly sampled files
m <- rbind(x1b,x2b,x3b,x4b,x5b,x6b,x7b,x8b)

# NOTE:  each number in the matrix represents a file "name" from 1-8. 
# the first pointer should be numeric and then subsequent as character
# since the first time you assign a number to a character in a matrix
# the rest of the numbers in the matrix are coerced to character
m[m==1]='a'; m[m=='2']='b'; m[m=='3']='c' ; m[m=='4']='d'; m[m=='5']='e' ; 
m[m=='6']='f'; m[m=='7']='g' ; m[m=='8']='h'
########### end R code ############

Thanks, David.  That worked fabulously! 

Here is the R code for the hypercube test example: 

########## begin R code ############
x <- rep(3,3)   # for partitions of 3 units into the three classes {1,2,3} 

hcube(x, scale=1, transl=0) 
########### end R code ############

For the larger one I want (i.e., 8^8), I will take a random sample of 
10,000 from the 16,777,216 possibilities.

Jesse Canchola

<davidr at rhotrading.com> 
Sent by: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
08/18/2006 01:33 PM

"Jesse Albert Canchola" <jesse.canchola.b at bayer.com>, "r-help" 
<r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>

Re: [R] Permutations with replacement

If you also want 1,1,1 and so on, the number of these is n^n,
(n choices for each of n slots.)
In that case, you could use hcube from combinat.

David L. Reiner
Rho Trading Securities, LLC
Chicago  IL  60605

"Daniel Nordlund" <res90sx5 at verizon.net> 
08/18/2006 05:16 PM

"'Jesse Albert Canchola'" <jesse.canchola.b at bayer.com>, "'r-help'" 
<r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>

RE: [R] Permutations with replacement

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch 
[mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch]
> On Behalf Of Jesse Albert Canchola
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 1:02 PM
> To: r-help
> Subject: [R] Permutations with replacement
> Is there a simple function or process that will create permutations with
> replacement?
> I know that using the combinat package
> ###### begin R code ######
> > library(combinat)
> > m <- t(array(unlist(permn(3)), dim = c(3, 6)))
> # we can get the permutations, for example 3!=6
> # gives us
> > m
>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
> [1,]    1    2    3
> [2,]    1    3    2
> [3,]    3    1    2
> [4,]    3    2    1
> [5,]    2    3    1
> [6,]    2    1    3
> ###### end R code ##########
> I'd like to include the "with replacement possibilities" such as
> 1,1,3
> 1,1,2
> 2,3,3
Isn't what you want just sampling with replacement?

  x <- c(1,2,3)

Hope this is helpful,


Dan Nordlund
Bothell, WA  USA


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