[R] Simulate p-value in lme4

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Sun Aug 20 20:22:16 CEST 2006

      You've raised a very interesting question about testing a 
fixed-effect factor with more than 2 levels using Monte Carlo.  Like 
you, I don't know how to use 'mcmcsamp' to refine the naive 
approximation. If we are lucky, someone else might comment on this for us. 

      Beyond this, you are to be commended for providing such a simple, 
self-contained example for such a sophisticated question.  I think you 
simulation misses one important point:  It assumes the between-subject 
variance is zero.  To overcome this, I think I might try either the 
bootstrap or permutation distribution scrambling the assignment of 
subjects to treatment groups but otherwise keeping the pairs of 
observations together. 

      To this end, consider the following: 

# Build a table to translate subject into 'pred'
o <- with(epil3, order(subject, y))
epil3. <- epil3[o,]
norep <- with(epil3., subject[-1]!=subject[-dim(epil3)[1]])
subj1 <- which(c(T, norep))
subj.pred <- epil3.[subj1, c("subject", "pred")]
subj. <- as.character(subj.pred$subject)
pred. <- subj.pred$pred
names(pred.) <- subj.

iter <- 10
chisq.sim <- rep(NA, iter)

for(i in 1:iter){
  s.i <- sample(subj.)
# Randomize subject assignments to 'pred' groups
  epil3.$pred <- pred.[s.i][epil3.$subject]
  fit1 <- lmer(y ~ pred+(1 | subject),
                family = poisson, data = epil3.)
  fit0 <- lmer(y ~ 1+(1 | subject),
                family = poisson, data = epil3.)
  chisq.sim[i] <- anova(fit0, fit1)[2, "Chisq"]

      Hope this helps. 
      Spencer Graves

Manuel Morales wrote:
> Dear list,
> This is more of a stats question than an R question per se. First, I
> realize there has been a lot of discussion about the problems with
> estimating P-values from F-ratios for mixed-effects models in lme4.
> Using mcmcsamp() seems like a great alternative for evaluating the
> significance of individual coefficients, but not for groups of
> coefficients as might occur in an experimental design with 3 treatment
> levels. I'm wondering if the simulation approach I use below to estimate
> the P-value for a 3-level factor is appropriate, or if there are any
> suggestions on how else to approach this problem. The model and data in
> the example are from section 10.4 of MASS.
> Thanks!
> Manuel
> # Load req. package (see functions to generate data at end of script)
> library(lme4)
> library(MASS)
> # Full and reduced models - pred is a factor with 3 levels
> result.full <- lmer(y~pred+(1|subject), data=epil3, family="poisson")
> result.base <- lmer(y~1+(1|subject), data=epil3, family="poisson")
> # Naive P-value from LR for significance of "pred" factor
> anova(result.base,result.full)$"Pr(>Chisq)"[[2]] # P-value
> (test.stat <- anova(result.base,result.full)$Chisq[[2]]) # Chisq-stat
> # P-value from simulation. Note that in the simulation, I use the
> # estimated random effects for each subject rather than generating a new
> # distribution of means. I'm not sure if this is appropriate or not ...
> intercept <- fixef(result.base)
> rand.effs <- ranef(result.base)[[1]]
> mu <- exp(rep(intercept+rand.effs[[1]],2))
> p.value <- function(iter, stat) {
>   chi.stat <- vector()
>   for(i in 1:iter) {
>     resp <- rpois(length(mu), mu) # simulate values
>     sim.data <- data.frame(y=resp,subject=epil3$subject,pred=epil3$pred)
>     result.f <- lmer(y~pred+(1|subject), data=sim.data,
>                      family="poisson")
>     result.b <- lmer(y~1+(1|subject), data=sim.data, family="poisson")
>     chi.stat[i] <- anova(result.b,result.f)$Chisq[[2]]
>   }
>   val <- sum(unlist(lapply(chi.stat, function(x) if(x>stat) 1 else
>              0)))/iter
>   hist(chi.stat)
>   return(val)
> }
> p.value(10,test.stat) # Increase to >=1000 to get a reasonable P-value!
> # Script to generate data, from section 10.4 of MASS
> epil2 <- epil[epil$period == 1, ]
> epil2["period"] <- rep(0, 59); epil2["y"] <- epil2["base"]
> epil["time"] <- 1; epil2["time"] <- 4
> epil2 <- rbind(epil, epil2)
> epil2$pred <- unclass(epil2$trt) * (epil2$period > 0)
> epil2$subject <- factor(epil2$subject)
> epil3 <- aggregate(epil2, list(epil2$subject, epil2$period > 0),
>                    function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) sum(x) else x[1])
> epil3$pred <- factor(epil3$pred, labels = c("base", "placebo", "drug"))
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