[R] lme4 and lmeSplines

Rod Ball rod.ball at ensisjv.com
Sun Aug 13 23:59:53 CEST 2006

The source of the problem is that lmeSplines requires a set of iid random 
effects corresponding to a transformed smoothing spline basis (`pdIdent' 
structure in nlme) i.e. pdIdent(~Zs -1),  where Zs is the transformed set of 
spline basis functions. Kevin's model does not work because each of his 
random effects has a separately estimated variance parameter, equivalent to a 
`pdDiag' structure in nlme. lmeSplines really does require nlme.

There is currently no way in lme4 to get the equivalent of a pdIdent 
structure, i.e. set of iid random effects with common variance parameter (see 
mesage from Doug Bates below), unless these correspond to a grouping factor 
as in (~1|row). There are a number of other nlme models e.g. genetics models, 
that cannot be fitted in lme4, examples are in my message to Doug Bates 

Rod Ball
Dr Roderick D. Ball, 
Ensis Wood Quality - Linking Quality to Value
Ensis - The Joint Forces of CSIRO and SCION
Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street
P.B. 3020, Rotorua, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 343 5777
Facsimile: +64 7 348 0952
email: rod.ball at ensisjv.com
url: www.ensisjv.com

Re: pdIdent in lme4
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:25:31 -0500
From: "Douglas Bates" <bates at stat.wisc.edu>
To: "Rod Ball" <rod.ball at ensisjv.com>
Cc: bates at wisc.edu, "Kevin Wright" <kwright68 at gmail.com>

Most of the time what would have been created using the pdIdent
structure in lme can be created from a model matrix in lmer.  However,
I don't know if this will apply to the spline basis functions.  I
imagine that what you want is to have a random effects for each of the
basis functions at each observation and then to externally impose the
structure of pdIdent on the variance-covariance matrix.  I'm afraid I
don't see a way of doing this in the current lmer structures.
However, I am documenting the structures much more extensively that
was done for the lme structures and also factoring the computation
into distinct steps.  Perhaps when I am done it will be possible for
someone to add in such a capability.

On 8/7/06, Rod Ball <rod.ball at ensisjv.com> wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> I have just being trying your lme4 package. The information I've read is 
> lme4 (lmer() function) is more general than lme. However I can't see how to
> do the equivalent of pdIdent(~Z -1) where Z is a matrix, or any pdIdent
> structure for that matter. Cf below or the help from my lmeSplines package.
> Type
> > library(lmeSplines)
> > ?smspline
> to see the example.
> I've had a query about how to do this (see below). The attempt below fails
> because adding multiple terms for each column of the Z-matrix gives a pdDiag
> structure, not a pdIdent structure, as needed for a smoothing spline. I 
> see how to get a pdIdent structure at all, or how to use it. I did find a
> pdCompSymm class listed in lme4 on the web, but no indication how to use it,
> nor does it seem to be in my copy (R 2.3.1, just upgraded).
> > library(help=lme4)
>                 Information on package 'lme4'
> Description:
> Package:       lme4
> Version:       0.995-2
> Date:          2006-01-17
> Title:         Linear mixed-effects models using S4 classes
> Author:        Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> and Deepayan Sarkar
>                <deepayan at stat.wisc.edu>
> Maintainer:    Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu>
> Description:   Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models.
> Depends:       methods, R(>= 2.2.0), Matrix(>= 0.995-2), lattice
> Imports:       graphics, stats
> Suggests:      mlmRev
> SaveImage:     no
> LazyLoad:      yes
> License:       GPL version 2 or later
> Packaged:      Thu Jan 19 12:39:40 2006; bates
> Built:         R 2.3.1; ; 2006-08-02 20:15:09; unix
> Index:
> gsummary                Summarize a data frame by group
> lmList                  List of lm Objects with a Common Model
> lmList-class            Class "lmList"
> pooledSD                Extract pooled standard deviation
> Further information is available in the following vignettes in
> directory '/home/rod/R/library/lme4/doc':
> Implementation: Implementation Details (source, pdf)
> Another example is the heart rate data from your Rnews article. Suppose I 
> to examine if Drug effects and rates vary randomly with patients. How can I
> include for example Patient=pdIdent(~Drug -1)? Are there an lmer()
> equivalents for the following?
> fm4 <- update(fm1, random = list(Patient = ~ Time, Patient= pdIdent(~Drug
> -1)))
> or
> fm4a <- update(fm1, random=list(Patient = ~ Time, Patient= pdCompSymm(~Drug
> -1))
> or
> fm5 <- update(fm1, random=list(Patient = ~ Time, Patient= pdIdent(~Drug -1),
> Patient= pdIdent(~ Drug:Time-1)))
> Incidentally, I discovered also, when trying these examples, the intervals
> function does not seem to work in lme4, and the lattice package is loaded
> twice.
> > data("HR",package="SASmixed")
> > library(lme4)
> Loading required package: Matrix
> Loading required package: lattice
> Loading required package: lattice
> > fm1 <- lmer(HR ~ baseHR + Time*Drug + (1|Patient), data=HR)
> > intervals(fm1)
> Error: could not find function "intervals"
> Is lme4 intended to be a replacement for nlme, or only an alternative for
> certain models?
> Thanks,
> Rod Ball
> --
> Dr Roderick D. Ball,
> Statistician,
> Ensis Wood Quality - Linking Quality to Value
> Ensis - The Joint Forces of CSIRO and SCION
> Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street
> P.B. 3020, Rotorua, New Zealand
> Phone: +64 7 343 5777
> Facsimile: +64 7 348 0952
> email: rod.ball at ensisjv.com
> url: www.ensisjv.com
> lme4 and lmeSplines
> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 14:25:20 -0500
> From: "Kevin Wright" <kwright68 at gmail.com>
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> I'm trying to use the lmeSplines package together with lme4.
> Below is (1) an example of lmeSplines together with nlme (2) an
> attempt to use lmeSplines with lme4 (3) then a comparison of the
> random effects from the two different methods.
> (1)
> require(lmeSplines)
> data(smSplineEx1)
> dat <- smSplineEx1
> dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat)
> plot(dat.lo)
> dat$all <- rep(1,nrow(dat))
> times20 <- seq(1,100,length=20)
> Zt20 <- smspline(times20)
> dat$Zt20 <- approx.Z(Zt20, times20, dat$time)
> fit1.20 <- lme(y~time, data=dat, random=list(all=pdIdent(~Zt20-1)))
> # Loess model
> dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat)
> plot(dat.lo)
> # Spline model
> with(dat, lines(fitted(fit1.20)~time, col="red"))
> # Save random effects for later
> ranef.nlme <- unlist(ranef(fit1.20))
> (2) Now an attempt to use lme4:
> library(lmeSplines)
> detach(package:nlme)
> library(lme4)
> data(smSplineEx1)
> # Use 20 spline in lme4
> dat <- smSplineEx1
> times20 <- seq(1,100,length=20)
> Zt20 <- smspline(times20)
> dat <- cbind(dat, approx.Z(Zt20, times20, dat$time))
> names(dat)[4:21] <- paste("Zt",names(dat)[4:21],sep="")
> dat$all <- rep(1, nrow(dat))
> fit1.20 <- lmer(y~time
>              data=dat)
> #summary(fit1)
> # Plot the data and loess fit
> dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat)
> plot(dat.lo)
> # Fitting with splines
> with(dat, lines(fitted(fit1.20)~time, col="red"))
> ranef.lme4 <- unlist(ranef(fit1.20))
> (3) Compare nlme lme4 random effects
> plot(ranef.nlme~ranef.lme4)
> The plot of fitted values from lme4 is visually appealing, but the
> random effects from lme4 are peculiar--three are non-zero and the rest
> are essentially zero.
> Any help in getting lme4 + lmeSplines working would be appreciated.
> It is not unlikely that I have the lmer syntax wrong.
> Kevin Wright

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:35, Spencer Graves wrote:
>    At least at one time, to use lmer after lme, you had to quit R
> before loading 'lme4' because of substantive conflicts between 'nlme'
> and 'lme4' / 'Matrix'.  That may be the source of your problem.  I can
> think of two possible ways to get around this:
> 	  1.  I might try quitting R and restarting after your use of
> 'lmeSplines' but before 'lmer'.
> 	  2.  If that failed, I might try making local copies of everything I
> needed from 'lmeSplines' and using them with 'lmer'.  If that failed,
> I'd use 'debug' to walk through the code (or local copies of whatever I
> needed, possibly with name changes) until I figured it out.
> 	  I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but I hope it helps.
> 	  Spencer Graves

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