[R] Vector Join

Michael Zatorsky miczat at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 13 14:23:34 CEST 2006


I'm working on producing a simple cumulative frequency

Thanks to the help of the good people on this list I
now have four vectors that I'd like to join/relate
into a table. e.g.

v1 <- myHistogram$breaks             # classes
v2 <- myHistogram$counts             # freqs
v3 <- cumsum(v2)                     # cumulative freq
v4 <- ((v3 / length(myData)) * 100)  # cumulative %

What is the recommend approach to turning these into a
single table with four columns?  ie effectively doing
a relational join on row id? 

The goal is to ultimately have the data with one row
per class in a format I can write out to a text file

  v1    v2    v3    v4
  v1    v2    v3    v4

Any advice will be appreciated.



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