[R] fixed effects constant in mcmcsamp
Daniel Farewell
farewelld at Cardiff.ac.uk
Tue Aug 8 11:58:12 CEST 2006
I'm fitting a GLMM to some questionnaire data. The structure is J individuals,
nested within I areas, all of whom answer the same K (ordinal) questions. The
model I'm using is based on so-called continuation ratios, so that it can be
fitted using the lme4 package.
The lmer function fits the model just fine, but using mcmcsamp to judge the
variability of the parameter estimates produces some strange results. The
posterior sample is constant for the fixed effects, and the estimates of the
variance components are way out in the tails of their posterior samples.
The model I'm using says (for l = 1, ..., L - 1)
logit P(X[ijk] = l | X[ijk] >= l, U[i], V[j], W[k]) = U[i] + V[j] + W[k] + a[l]
where X[ijk] is the ordinal response to question k for individual j in area i.
The U, V, and W are random effects and the a's are fixed effects. Here's a
function to simulate data which mimics this setup (with a sequence of binary
responses Y[ijkl] = 1 iff X[ijk] = l):
sim <- function(n = c(10, 10, 10), sd = c(0.5, 2, 0.5), a = seq(-5, 1, 2)) {
u <- rnorm(n[1], 0, sd[1])
v <- rnorm(prod(n[1:2]), 0, sd[2])
w <- rnorm(n[3], 0, sd[3])
i <- factor(rep(1:n[1], each = prod(n[2:3])))
j <- factor(rep(1:prod(n[1:2]), each = n[3]))
k <- factor(rep(1:n[3], prod(n[1:2])))
df <- NULL
for(l in 1:length(a)) {
y <- rbinom(length(i), 1, plogis(u[i] + v[j] + w[k] + a[l]))
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(i, j, k, l, y))
i <- i[!y]
j <- j[!y]
k <- k[!y]
df$l <- factor(df$l)
And here's a function which shows the difficulties I've been having:
test <- function(seed = 10, ...) {
df <- sim(...)
df.lmer <- lmer(y ~ 0 + l + (1 | i) + (1 | j) + (1 | k), family = binomial,
data = df)
df.mcmc <- mcmcsamp(df.lmer, 1000, trans = FALSE)
densityplot(~ as.numeric(df.mcmc) | factor(rep(colnames(df.mcmc), each =
1000)), scales = list(relation = "free"))
gives the following:
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL
Formula: y ~ 0 + l + (1 | i) + (1 | j) + (1 | k)
Data: df
Family: binomial(logit link)
AIC BIC logLik deviance
2316.133 2359.166 -1151.066 2302.133
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
j (Intercept) 4.15914 2.03940
k (Intercept) 0.25587 0.50584
i (Intercept) 0.56962 0.75473
number of obs: 3455, groups: j, 100; k, 10; i, 10
Estimated scale (compare to 1) 0.8747598
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
l1 -4.50234 0.40697 -11.0632 < 2.2e-16 ***
l2 -3.27643 0.38177 -8.5821 < 2.2e-16 ***
l3 -1.05277 0.36566 -2.8791 0.003988 **
l4 0.76538 0.36832 2.0780 0.037706 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
l1 l2 l3
l2 0.843
l3 0.841 0.900
l4 0.805 0.865 0.921
l1 l2 l3 l4
Min. :-4.502 Min. :-3.276 Min. :-1.053 Min. :0.7654
1st Qu.:-4.502 1st Qu.:-3.276 1st Qu.:-1.053 1st Qu.:0.7654
Median :-4.502 Median :-3.276 Median :-1.053 Median :0.7654
Mean :-4.502 Mean :-3.276 Mean :-1.053 Mean :0.7654
3rd Qu.:-4.502 3rd Qu.:-3.276 3rd Qu.:-1.053 3rd Qu.:0.7654
Max. :-4.502 Max. :-3.276 Max. :-1.053 Max. :0.7654
j.(In) k.(In) i.(In) deviance
Min. :1.911 Min. :0.0509 Min. :0.06223 Min. :2011
1st Qu.:2.549 1st Qu.:0.1310 1st Qu.:0.19550 1st Qu.:2044
Median :2.789 Median :0.1756 Median :0.25581 Median :2054
Mean :2.824 Mean :0.2085 Mean :0.29948 Mean :2054
3rd Qu.:3.070 3rd Qu.:0.2463 3rd Qu.:0.34640 3rd Qu.:2064
Max. :4.615 Max. :0.8804 Max. :3.62168 Max. :2107
As you can see, the posterior samples from the fixed effects are constant (at
the inital estimates) and the estimates of the variance components aren't within
the IQ ranges of their posterior samples.
I understand from various posts that mcmcsamp is still a work in progress, and
may not work on every model. Is this one of those cases? I'm using R 2.3.1 and
lme4 0.995-2 on Windows XP.
Daniel Farewell
Cardiff University
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