[R] mathematica -> r (gamma function + integration)

Leo Gürtler leog at anicca-vijja.de
Tue Aug 8 00:13:19 CEST 2006

Dear R-list,

I try to transform a mathematica script to R.

#######relevant part of the Mathematica script
(* p_sv *)
dd = NN (DsD - DD^2);
lownum = NN (L-DD)^2;
upnum  = NN (H-DD)^2;
low = lownum/(2s^2);
up  = upnum/(2s^2);
psv = NIntegrate[1/(s^NN) Exp[-dd/(2s^2)]
    (Gamma[1/2,0,up] + Gamma[1/2,0,low]),{s,sL,sH},
PSV = psv/Sqrt[2NN];
Print["------------- Results ------------------------------------"];
Print[" "];
Print["p(sv|D_1D_2I)   = const. ",N[PSV,6]];

# R part

###raw values for reproduction
NN <- 58
dd <- 0.411769
lownum <- 20.81512
upnum <- 6.741643
sL <- 0.029
sH <- 0.092

integpsv <- function(s) { 1 / (s^NN) * exp(-dd / (2 * s^2)) *
  ( (igamma((upnum/(2*s^2)),1/2) - igamma(0,1/2) ) +
    (igamma((lownum/(2*s^2)),1/2) - igamma(0,1/2) ) )
psv <- integrate(integpsv, lower=sL, upper=sH)
PSV <- psv$value / sqrt(2*NN)
print("------------- Results ------------------------------------\n")
print(paste("p(sv|D_1D_2I)   = const. ",PSV, sep=""))

The results of variable "PSV" are not the same.

In mathematica -> PSV ~ 2.67223e+47
with rounding errors due to the initial values, in R -> PSV ~ 1.5e+47

I am not that familiar with gamma functions and integration, thus I 
assume there the source of the problem can be located.
Thanks for helping me to adjust the sript.

best wishes

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