[R] Sweave special token \\ from R to latex

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at mn.rr.com
Fri Aug 4 14:57:25 CEST 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 14:40 +0200, Jan Wijffels wrote:
> Dear helpeRs,
> I would like to specify a newline command in R and pass it to latex  
> via Sweave such that it corresponds to latex' \\ command. But that  
> doesn't seem to be possible. If I Sweave the \n character, it just  
> makes a new line in latex but not the \\ command.
> Is there a way such that the following code would result in latex in
> blablabla \\ blablabla on different line
> <<echo=FALSE>>=
>    string <- "blablabla \\ blablabla on different line"
> @
> \Sexpr{string}
> Thanks for the help,
> Jan

In R, the "\" is an escape character, so to get a single "\" output, you
actually need to double it, "\\".

Thus, to get "\\" output as part of a character vector, you would need

> string <- "blablabla \\\\ blablabla on different line"

> cat(string, "\n")
blablabla \\ blablabla on different line


Marc Schwartz

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