[R] ggplot facet label font size

Walker, Sam s-walker at ti.com
Thu Aug 3 21:11:00 CEST 2006

This works OK, but there is some extra spacing between the panels, the
top axis and the strip on the top, and the left labels and panel.

How can I remove these extra spaces?

I've tried changing various layout.widths settings with no luck.  It
seems the spaces are calculated based on the number of conditioning
variables, in this case 2 (sex+smoker).

Thanks in advance...

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabor Grothendieck [mailto:ggrothendieck at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 6:04 PM
To: Walker, Sam
Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [R] ggplot facet label font size

On 8/2/06, Walker, Sam <s-walker at ti.com> wrote:
> How do I change the font size in the facet labels along the edges of
> plot?
> For example (from the ggplot help file):
>     p<-ggplot(tips, sex ~ smoker, aesthetics=list(x=tip/total_bill))
>     gghistogram(p)
> In this plot, the facet labels are "smoker: No", "smoker: Yes", "sex:
> Female", "sex: Male".  What command can I use to reduce the font size
> these labels?
> In lattice terminology, cex is used to scale these strip labels.  But
> couldn't find the equivalent in ggplot.
> The reason I'm asking is I have a 9x7 array of plots which I've been
> plotting with lattice.  I wanted to use ggplot because I like having
> labels on the edge of the plots

Note that lattice can do that by using custom strip functions:

library(ggplot) # data resides here

my.strip <- function(which.given, which.panel, ...)
   if (which.given == 1 && which.panel[2] == 2)
      strip.default(which.given, which.panel, ...)

my.strip.left <- function(which.given, which.panel, ..., horizontal)
   if (which.given == 2 && which.panel[1] == 1)
      strip.default(which.given, which.panel, horizontal = FALSE, ...)

histogram(~ tip/total_bill | sex + smoker, tips, strip = my.strip,
     strip.left = my.strip.left, par.settings = list(add.text =
list(cex = 0.7)))

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