[R] question about dll crashing R

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Thu Aug 3 16:38:16 CEST 2006

On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Benn Fine wrote:

> I have ported some R code to C to make it faster.
> I can perform .Call("foobar",....) once and it
> works fine. Absolutely correct answer.
> If I put a loop inside foobar and run the  main code
> routine more than 100 times, it crashes R.
> Or if I call .Call("foobar"....) seperately more than
> two tims it crashes R.
> SEXP mvntest (SEXP mean, SEXP cov, SEXP temp)
> { int nrx , ncx , nry , ncy ,info,mode;
> SEXP xdims , ydims , ans;
> int i,j, one=1;
> info = 1;
> xdims = getAttrib (mean , R_DimSymbol ) ;
> ydims = getAttrib (cov , R_DimSymbol ) ;
> mode = REALSXP;
> nrx = INTEGER( xdims ) [ 0 ] ;
> ncx = INTEGER( xdims ) [ 1 ] ;
> nry = INTEGER( ydims ) [ 0 ] ;
> ncy = INTEGER( ydims ) [ 1 ] ;
> /* create the upper trianglular matrix A */
> /* such that t(A) %*% A = Sigma */
> GetRNGstate();
> F77_CALL(dpofa) ( REAL( cov ), &nry , &ncy , &info);
> Rprintf("Info = %d\n",info);
> for(i=0;i<nry;i++)
>  for(j=0;j<i;j++)
>    REAL(cov)[i+j*ncy] = 0.0;
> PROTECT( ans = allocMatrix (mode, nrx , one ) ) ;
> for(i=0;i<nry;i++)
>  REAL(temp)[i] = rnorm(0,1);
> ans = tmatrixprod(cov,temp);

Here you are returning a new SEXP from tmatrixprod but not protecting it. 
Remember, PROTECT() operates on the *value* of its argument, so it 
protects the thing that ans points to. When ans points to a new thing, it 
is still the old thing that is protected.


> for(i=0;i<nry;i++)
>  REAL(ans)[i] = REAL(ans)[i]+REAL(mean)[i];
> UNPROTECT( 1 ) ;
> PutRNGstate();
> return( ans ) ;
> }
> I have a feeling I am messing up memory usage
> somewhere but haven't a clue. Do I need to do garbage
> collecting inside the C program ?The fact that the
> code
> runs a few times before R crashes is driving me nuts.
> I send most of what I need into the C routine from R,
> so I am not creating that many SEXP objects within the
> program.
> Any hints or ideas ?
> Thanks!
> Benn
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Thomas Lumley			Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle

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