[R] rmeta: forest plot problem

Andrej Kastrin andrej.kastrin at siol.net
Mon Apr 24 21:36:44 CEST 2006

Der useRs,

I'm working on meta analysis using rmeta package. Using code below I 
plot the forest plot:

data (catheter)
a<-meta.MH (n.trt, n.ctrl, col.trt, col.ctrl, data=catheter, names=Name, 
summary(a) # odds ratio values and confidence intervals
metaplot(a$logOR, a$selogOR, nn=a$selogOR^-2,a$names, summn=a$logMH, 
sumse=a$selogMH, sumnn=a$selogMH^-2, logeffect=TRUE)

Now I would like to add numerical odds ratio values and corresponding 
confidence intervals for each study on the second y axis (eg. 
http://www.statsdirect.com/help/meta_analysis/cochrane_plot.htm. I try 
with 'text' command, but the outcome is disastrous. If anyone can 
explain the best way to solve my problem, I should be very grateful.


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