[R] I am surprised (and a little irritated)

Tom Backer Johnsen backer at psych.uib.no
Fri Apr 21 06:42:43 CEST 2006

Detlef Steuer wrote:
> Hi again,

> This new rpm R-base-2.3.0-beta should automatically resolve dependencies. At least it did so on my machine. I would be happy to get a report, if you try to install this one and find difficulties or success!.
> Most important would be to report missing dependencies. As this is my first try to add those, I`m not sure having catched them all.

I have not tried it yet, but when I think about it I think that you 
have resolved the dependencies part already in 2.2.1.  When I had set 
up YaST according to the "hacking" link and then opened the R-base rpm 
file everything went smooth with no intervention on my part.


| Tom Backer Johnsen, Psychometrics Unit,  Faculty of Psychology |
| University of Bergen, Christies gt. 12, N-5015 Bergen,  NORWAY |
| Tel : +47-5558-9185                        Fax : +47-5558-9879 |
| Email : backer at psych.uib.no    URL : http://www.galton.uib.no/ |

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