[R] R-Help

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 14:44:40 CEST 2006

Read them in as zoo objects (you can replace textConnection(Lines1)
with the filename) and then merge them using all = FALSE to retain
only common time points.  Note that in my English locale I had
to modify your Apl to Apr.

Lines1 <- "Date              x         y
Jan-1,2005    120       230
Jan-2,2005    123       -125
Jan-3,2005    -110      300
Jan-4,2005    114       -21
Jan-7,2005    11        299
Mar-5,2005    200       311"

Lines2 <- "Date              x          y
Jan-2,2005    123       -125
Jan-3,2005    -110      300
Jan-4,2005    114       -21
Jan-5,2005    11        299
Jan-6,2005    -23       12
Mar-5,2005    200       311"

Lines3 <- "Date              x          y
Jan-3,2005    -110      300
Jan-4,2005    114       -21
Jan-5,2005    11        299
Mar-5,2005    200       311
Apr-23,2005   123       200"
DF1 <- read.zoo(textConnection(Lines1), header = TRUE, format = "%b-%d,%Y")
DF2 <- read.zoo(textConnection(Lines2), header = TRUE, format = "%b-%d,%Y")
DF3 <- read.zoo(textConnection(Lines3), header = TRUE, format = "%b-%d,%Y")
merge(DF1, DF2, DF3, all = FALSE)

On 4/20/06, stat stat <stat700004 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Dear r-users,
> Suppose I have three datasets:
>  Dataset-1:
>  Date              x         y
>  Jan-1,2005    120       230
> Jan-2,2005    123       -125
> Jan-3,2005    -110      300
> Jan-4,2005    114       -21
> Jan-7,2005    11        299
> Mar-5,2005    200       311
>  Dataset-2:
>  Date              x          y
>  Jan-2,2005    123       -125
> Jan-3,2005    -110      300
> Jan-4,2005    114       -21
> Jan-5,2005    11        299
> Jan-6,2005    -23       12
> Mar-5,2005    200       311
>  Dataset-3:
>  Date              x          y
>  Jan-3,2005    -110      300
> Jan-4,2005    114       -21
> Jan-5,2005    11        299
> Mar-5,2005    200       311
> Apl-23,2005   123       200
>  Now I want to get the common dates along with x and y from this above three datasets keeping the same order
> in date-variable as it is.
>  For ex. I want to get:
>  Date            x          y                 x            y                  x          y
>               (from dataset-1)         (from dataset-2)          (from dataset-3)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jan-3,2005    -110      300          -110         300              -110      300
> Jan-4,2005     114      -21             114        -21               114       -21
> Mar-5,2005    200       311           200         311              200       311
>  Can anyone give me any R code to implement this for any number of datasets ?
>  Thanks and regards
> thanks in advance
> ---------------------------------
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