[R] Unfound objects in function

Peter Ehlers ehlers at math.ucalgary.ca
Tue Apr 18 15:58:50 CEST 2006


Did you use correction = "trans" in Kinhom in the past? I think
Ki$trans will contain a number of NAs. Try

    diff    <- sum (Ki$theo - Ki$trans, na.rm = TRUE)

Peter Ehlers

Colin Beale wrote:
> A couple of my functions that were working last week seem to have been
> changed over the weekend and no longer work, but I can't understand why
> not: it seems that objects defined at the start of the function are not
> located further on in the function, when this worked fine before. An
> example follows at the end, using the package spatstat, though the
> problem seems more general. My only guess is that I've accidentally
> changed something to do with the environment that functions are
> searching in to exclude themselves, but if so I've no idea how I did or
> how I can cancel it!
> Thanks in advance,
> Colin
> library (spatstat)
> kernelEst <- function (data, max.r = 10, edge = TRUE) {
>   if (!is.ppp (data)) stop ("data must be a point process object")
>   i <- 0.1
>   diff    <- 1
>   smo     <- 1
>   while (diff > 0) {
>     olddiff <- diff
>     oldsmo  <- smo
>     smo     <- density.ppp (data, sigma = 2 * i, edge = edge)
>     lambda  <- smo[data]
>     Ki      <- Kinhom (data[,data$window], lambda = lambda, r = seq (0,
> max.r, length = 100), correction = "trans")
>     diff    <- sum (Ki$theo - Ki$trans)
>     i       <- i + 0.1
>     if (i > max.r) stop ("no suitable kernel found within 0.2 to
> max.r")
>   }
>   if (abs (olddiff) > abs (diff)) return (smo) else return (oldsmo)
> }
> data (simdat)
> test <- kernelEst (simdat)
> Error in while (diff > 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
>          _              
> platform i386-pc-mingw32
> arch     i386           
> os       mingw32        
> system   i386, mingw32  
> status                  
> major    2              
> minor    2.1            
> year     2005           
> month    12             
> day      20             
> svn rev  36812          
> language R
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