[R] second try; writing user-defined GLM link function

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Mon Apr 17 19:17:18 CEST 2006

Peter Dalgaard <p.dalgaard <at> biostat.ku.dk> writes:
> Watch out for the parametrization: In SAS the intercept (in *this*
> context!, it is different in other procs...) corresponds to
> parastat==1 and patsize==small, and I wager that at least the former
> is vice-versa in R, quite possibly both. 
> > #                                Standard Wald 95%   Chi-
> > #Parameter   DF  Estimate Error        Limits       Square Pr > ChiSq
> > ##Intercept   1  2.6973   0.2769   2.1546  3.2399   94.92  <.0001
> > #parastat0    1 -1.0350   0.5201  -2.0544  -0.0155  3.96   0.0466     .
> > #patsizelarge 1  1.0844   0.5094   0.0861  2.0827   4.53   0.0333

  Yes.  I was being a bonehead: I glanced at the parameters and didn't
see the variation in parameter definition -- I was just looking for
sign changes.

> 1.0844-1.035+2.6973
[1] 2.7467            

gives the intercept term that R computes.

  Oh well, maybe the mle() example will be useful for someone ...


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