[R] skipping rows in trellis key
Deepayan Sarkar
deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 19:35:15 CEST 2006
On 4/6/06, Steven Lacey <slacey at umich.edu> wrote:
> Deepayan,
> I also noticed that the width of the key object is off if the title of the
> key is bigger than the columns. For example,
> xyplot(y~x,data=data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10))
> keyArgs <- list()
> keyArgs <- list(points=list(pch=c(NA,rep(17,5)),lwd=2,col=c(NA,c("red",
> "chartreuse3", "black", "cyan", "blue"))),
> text=list(lab=c("S-R Mapping",
> "Color","Shape","Letter","Compatible","Incompatible"),cex=c(1.2,1,1,1,1,1)),
> text=list(lab=c(expression(R^2),as.character(rep(0.999,5))),cex=c(1.2,1,1,1,
> 1,1)))
> keyArgs$title <- "try this very, very, very long title"
> keyArgs$cex.title <- 1.4
> keyArgs$between <- c(1,0,5)
> keyArgs$columns <- 1
> keyArgs$column.between <- 1
> keyArgs$border <- TRUE
> drawKeyArgs <- list(key=keyArgs,draw=FALSE)
> keyArgs$draw <- FALSE
> key <- do.call("draw.key",drawKeyArgs)
> vp1<-viewport(x=1,y=1,height=unit(1,"grobheight",key),width=unit(1,"grobwidt
> h",key),just=c("right","top"))
> pushViewport(vp1)
> grid.draw(key)
> popViewport()
> What is a good work around?
None I can think of (and it's not easy to fix given the current
implementation). Bad workarounds are:
(1) use space="top" and border=FALSE
(2) Shorten the title by embedding newlines or shrinking the text size
(3) add dummy columns (say rectangles) with transparent colors
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