[R] -newbie | RODBC import query

Evan Cooch evan.cooch at cornell.edu
Sat Apr 1 19:31:27 CEST 2006

At 12:14 PM 4/1/2006, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

> > OK, so after a bit of reading, seems I need to use RODBC (I'm using
> > [R] 2.2.1 for Windows, at the moment). But, I can't seem to figure
> > out the basics. Suppose the file I need to 'work with' is
> > test.dbf  So, I try the following:
> >
> >  library(RODBC);
> >  import_dat <- odbcConnectDbase("c:\documents and
> > settings\egc\desktop\test.dbf")
>\ is the escape character so if you want a \ you must use \\ like this:
>odbcConnectionDbase("c:\\documents and settings\\egc\\desktop\\test.dbf")
>or do this:

Well, OK, but that doesn't make any apparent difference it in terms 
of solving the problem I'm having. the odbcConnecDbase command is 
working fine (i.e., its finding the test.dbf file), but after that, nada.

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