[R] I am surprised (and a little irritated)

Tom Backer Johnsen backer at psych.uib.no
Thu Apr 20 13:26:04 CEST 2006

Detlef Steuer wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:51:57 +0200


> Sometimes it is very hard to think of the questions a new user has,
> if you do it yourself on a daily basis for years.

I understand that very well.  Now I can tell you that I used the info 
in the "Hacking OpenSuse" link you provided to the letter, and 
followed all the instructions in the paragraph with the heading 
"Adding sources to YaST".

After that installing R from the R-base rpm was simple.  It took a few 
minutes, but that does not matter.  Evidently all the necessary 
packages were located on from the locations on the net and were 
installed automatically.  So now R is installed and works.  The only 
drawback I can think of is that you have to be online to install.

Conclusion:  Put something like the info from the link in the readme 
and other users of R can be recruited from the SUSE world.

Thank you!


| Tom Backer Johnsen, Psychometrics Unit,  Faculty of Psychology |
| University of Bergen, Christies gt. 12, N-5015 Bergen,  NORWAY |
| Tel : +47-5558-9185                        Fax : +47-5558-9879 |
| Email : backer at psych.uib.no    URL : http://www.galton.uib.no/ |

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