[R] 3D pie

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 19:52:01 CEST 2006

Since everyone else wimped out with a tedious you-do-not-want-to-do-that,
here is a solution that uses R to control Excel and create a 3d chart.
 You will
need the RDCOMclient package that you can find via google.

xl <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")  # starts up Excel
xl[["Visible"]] <- TRUE                       # Excel becomes visible
wkbk <- xl$Workbooks()$Add()          # new workbook

# set some cells

sh <- xl$ActiveSheet()

for(i in 1:5) {
  lab <- sh$Cells(i,1)
  lab[["Value"]] <- letters[i]
  val <- sh$Cells(i,2)
  val[["Value"]] <- i

ch <- xl$Charts()

ac <- xl$ActiveChart()
xl3DPieExploded <- 70
ac[["ChartType"]] <- xl3DPieExploded
xlColumn <- 2
ac$SetSourceData(Source = sh$Range("A1:B5"), PlotBy = xlColumn)

# now right click the chart and make any other settings you like.

On 4/18/06, COMTE Guillaume <g.comte at alliance-ir.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to draw 3D pie with R (like excel does)?
> I know how to do it in 2D, just by using pie(something)...
> I know it isn't the best way to represent data, but people are sometimes
> more interested by the look and feel than by the accuracy of the
> results...
> If there is no way, have you another suggestion ? (i already use
> dotchart instead of pie)
> Thks to all of you.
> COMTE Guillaume
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