[R] questioin about cluster in R

Jane Ren janeren82 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 18 21:32:39 CEST 2006

Hi,All.Sorry for the group mail.
I recently met a question and I have struggled on that for a while but 
failed to found the solution.
I have a distance matrix as below.

0    35    33    9    36
35    0    10    32    51
33    10    0    30    49
9    32    30    0    35
36    51    49    35    0
I want to do cluster with average method.
rown<-c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
mydistMatrix <- read.table("D:\\5.distance",row.names = rown)

mydistObj<-as.dist(mydistMatrix, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)

mycluster <- hclust(mydistObj,method="average")

bmp(filename = " D:\\5_ave.bmp")

The result is something like

        |       _______________
    15|       |                             |
        |       |                             |
    10|       |                 -------------------
        |       |                 |  (intersection)      |
    5  |       |           -------                        |
        |       |          |          |                  ----------
    0  |       |          |          |                 |              |

                E        A       D                B            C

Then I want to set a threshold to cluster them. Say 5.
But I don't know when A-D  distance is larger than 5 or not.
I can draw a line to see whether A-D distance is larger than 5 or but. When 
when the dataset is large, it is difficult to tell.

So I wonder whether there is a way in R to display the distance value at the 
intersection so that we can see the exact value of it.
or there is way to show or save the distance matrix after the average 
Thanks a  lots!

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