[R] installation of package "randomForest" failed

Ruth Meili meili.ruth at link.ch
Tue Apr 18 20:23:39 CEST 2006


I'd like to try out some functions in the package randomForest. Therefore, 
I did install this package. However, it is not possible to load the 
library, although I have R-Version 2.1.1 (i.e. later than 2.0.0). The 
commands I used and the Answers/Error from R is as follows:

lib="C://Programme//R//rw2011//library//randomForest",repos = NULL)
package 'randomForest' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
updating HTML package descriptions
 > library(randomForest)
Fehler in library(randomForest) : 'randomForest' ist kein gültiges Paket -- 
vor 2.0.0 installiert?

I run in this problem for the first time. Until now, I used to install new 
packages by copying the*.zip-file to the "library"-directory in the 
rw2011-directory. This seam not to work anymore. So I tried using the 
function install.package(), but I did not success.

Does anybody know the Problem? I did not find any hints in the NEWS.
Thanks anyway.

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