[R] Xgird, R, parallel computing

Mahdi Osman m_osm at gmx.net
Tue Sep 20 10:14:47 CEST 2005

Hi, list,

Sorry if I am bothering you.

I am interested in using xgrid with R for distributed computing. I am using
MacOS X and my R 2.1. 1 is already installed and running. The client
computers are all of the same type and the same version of R has been
installed on them.

We have also set up xgrid on my system and client computers as well.

I am wondering if any one can give me some clues about how I can start using
xgrid with R? Do I need to get some packages? Are there documentations or
examples explainging how to use xgrid with R for parallel computing?

I would be very greatful for  your help and hints

Thanks in advance



Mahdi Osman (PhD)
E-mail: m_osm at gmx.net

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