[R] about cutree

Stephen D. Weigand weigand.stephen at charter.net
Fri Sep 16 05:27:52 CEST 2005

On Sep 15, 2005, at 10:26 AM, Baoqiang Cao wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm trying to use cutree to get the clusters after hclust. What I used 
> is: mycluster<-cutree(cnclust,h=0.5)
> Now, my problem is, how can I get the actual clusters? Thanks!
> Best,
>  Baoqiang Cao

Doesn't print(mycluster) give you the clusters? You could
use something like:

R> split(names(mycluster), mycluster)

You may need to better define "get the actual clusters" to get
a better answer.


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