[R] Finding a decision tree's leaf node from a new value

Stephen D. Weigand weigand.stephen at charter.net
Tue Sep 13 06:09:37 CEST 2005

It sounds to me like you're looking for the function predict.rpart().

Hope this helps,


On Sep 9, 2005, at 8:45 AM, João Mendes Moreira wrote:

> Dear mailinglist members,
> I have the following problem: I run a decision tree using the rpart 
> function and, afterwords, I try to find to which leaf node a new 
> register (not used to build the decision tree) belongs to.
> I will try to explain better:
> rpart.tree <- rpart(target.value ~., data)
> leaf.node <- new.function(rpart.tree, new.register)
> The new register has all the explanatory values used to build the tree 
> but has not the target value.
> The new.function is the function I am trying to write and shall return 
> the leaf.node from the decision tree where it should belong.
> What I need ( and I am am not able to) is to reproduce the decision 
> path over my new.register.
> Thanks in advance
> Joao Moreira

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