[R] Spacing and margins in plot

Jamieson Cobleigh cobleigh at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 15:05:29 CEST 2005

If I use the following command to plot points:

plot(c(1,2,2,3,3,3), type="p", pch=20, ylab="Y Label", xlab="X Label", xaxt="n")

there is a large amount of space between the label "X Label" and the
actual x-axis.  If I change the xaxt="n" to xaxt="s", the label "X
Label" don't move at all.  Is there a way to get the label "X Label"
closer to the x-axis when xaxt="n"?

The plot I am generating is going to be included in a paper I am
writing.  I can cause the plot to be saved in a PDF file by doing the

pdf("foo.pdf", width=5.5, height=4.25, onefile=FALSE)

plot(c(1,2,2,3,3,3), type="p", pch=20, ylab="Y Label", xlab="X Label", xaxt="n")


In the resulting file, there is a lot of whitespace around the graph,
particularly between the top line of the plot area and the top of the
page.  Since I am including these plots in a paper, I want them to be
as large as possible and not take up any extra space.  Is there a way
to get R to draw a plot that goes all the way to the margins of the
print area?


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