[R] LaTex error when creating DVI version when compiling package

Patrick Giraudoux patrick.giraudoux at univ-fcomte.fr
Sat Oct 29 09:36:23 CEST 2005

Dear Listers,

I got this message when compiling a package:

* creating pgirmess-manual.tex ... OK
* checking pgirmess-manual.text ... ERROR
LaTex errors when creating DVI version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.

The message is quite explicit but I struggled a lot before understanding 
that the trouble comes from a single file "selMod.rd" among 44 topics. 
Even though I have checked it ten times and even rewrite it on 
prompt(selMod), I cannot find out what is wrong with it.

Can somebody used with LaTex and the format of R *.rd file have a quick 
look to the attached contents and tell me if he can detect some obvious 
faulty writing?

Thanks in advance,



\title{ Model selection according to information theoretic methods }
 Handles lm, glm and list of models lm, glm, lme and nlme objects and 
provides parameters to compare models according to Anderson et al. (1998)
    selMod(aModel, Order = "AICc", ...) group method

    selMod.lm(aModel, Order = "AICc", dropNull = FALSE, selconv=TRUE, ...)
    selMod.list(aModel, Order = "AICc", ...)

  \item{aModel}{ a lm or glm model or a list of lm or glm models }
  \item{dropNull}{ if TRUE, drops the simplest model (e.g. 'y~1')  }
  \item{Order}{ if set to "AICc" (default) sort the models on this 
parameter, otherwise "AIC" is allowed }
  \item{selconv}{ if TRUE (default) keep the models for which 
convergence is obtained (glm object only) and with no anova singularity 
(lm and glm) }
  \item{...}{ other parameters to be passed as arguments (not used here) }

  This function provides parameters used in the information theoretic 
methods for model comparisons. lm and glm objects can be passed directly 
as the upper scope of term addition (all terms added).
  Every model from 'y~1' is computed adding one term at a time until the 
upper scope model is derived. A list of user specified lm, glm, lme or 
nlme objects can alternately be passed.

 A list with the following items:
  \item{AIC}{a data.frame including LL, the maximized log-likelihood; K 
the number of estimated parameters; N2K, number of observations/K; AIC, 
the Akaike index criterion; deltAIC, the difference between AIC and the 
lowest AIC value; w_i, the Akaike weights; AICc, the second order Akaike 
criterion; deltAICc, the difference between AICc and the lowest AICc 
value; w_ic, the AICc weights }
  \item{models}{the list of models}
    Anderson, D.R., Link, W.A., Johnson, D.H. and Burnham, K.P. (2001). 
Suggestions for presenting the results of data analyses. Journal of 
Wildlife Management, 65, 373-378; Burnham, K.P. and Anderson, D.R. 
(2002) Model Selection and Multimodel Inference: a Practical 
Information-Theoretic Approach, 2nd edn., Springer-Verlag, New York. 353 pp
\author{ Patrick Giraudoux and David Pleydell: pgiraudo at univ-fcomte.fr, 
dpleydel at univ-fcomte.fr }

\seealso{ \code{\link{AIC}},\code{\link{logLik}} }
 anorex.1 <- lm(Postwt ~ Prewt*Treat, data = anorexia)
 anorex.2 <- glm(Postwt ~ Prewt*Treat, family=gaussian,data = anorexia)
 anorex.3<-lm(Postwt ~ Prewt+Treat, data = anorexia)
\keyword{ models }

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