[R] tcltk package problems (R 2.2.0, SuSE 10)
Katharine Mullen
kate at few.vu.nl
Fri Oct 28 12:52:23 CEST 2005
i also had a problem getting 2.2.0 to work with tcltk on SuSE 10.0...
and with compiling R from source on SuSE 10.0.
on getting tcltk to work:
i ended up taking source for tcl and tk from
and recompiling; once you unpack the tar.gz the install instructions are
in the directory /unix for both programs. after that then
> capabilities()
shows tcltk is TRUE and it works fine. i'm not sure if this was the
easiest solution, but it worked.
on getting SuSE 10 to compile R from source: i was unable to use Yast to
get a fortran compiler and ended up recompiling gcc to include
gfortran from the source (at e.g.
http://gcc.fyxm.net/releases/gcc-4.0.2/ ) if you want some more detailed
instructions feel free to mail me.
best regards and good luck.
Katharine Mullen
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Faculty of Sciences
Vrije Universiteit
de Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
room: T.1.06
tel: +31 205987870
fax: +31 205987992
e-mail: kate at nat.vu.nl
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