[R] Dendrogram for many cases

David Lucy dlucy at maths.ed.ac.uk
Wed Oct 26 12:23:26 CEST 2005

Dear All,

I have a cluster object based on a 
dissimilarity matrix from about 1,100 
cases and wish to know whether anyone 
can think  of any tips to display some 
form of graphical output which would 
give some sense of the similarity 
between the cases.

A standard form of dendrogram would be 
fine, but with so many cases the 
dendrogram on the standard devices 
(R-2.20 on NT4) is very compact in the 
x-dimension. I wonder whether there is 
any way that the dendrogram can be 
subdivided into discrete pieces?

Failing that, is there any other means 
of graphically representing the 
dissimilarity matrix. I am only 
interested in the low order 
dissimilarity rather than high order 
structure between these cases.

A further constraint is that the NT4 box 
is well bolted down in that it has no 
means by which data can be transfered 
to, or from it.



Dr. David Lucy
School of Mathematics
King's Buildings
Edinburgh University

tel:    0131 650 5086
e-mail: dlucy at maths.ed.ac.uk
web:    http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~dlucy/

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