[R] Help needed with ks.test

Vito Ricci vito_ricci at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 20 12:13:50 CEST 2005

Ciao Emanuele,

you could give a look to this contribute on fitting
distributions with R, maybe it could be helpful to




Emanuele Mazzola  wrote

Hello to everybody,

I'd like to submit a problem I'm dealing with, and I
can't get an answer to 
by myself.
I have to test if my data come from a specific
probability distribution, of 
which I know the analytic form both of the p.d.f. and
the c.d.f.
Namely, it is the hypoexponential distribution, sum of
two exponentials with 
different parameters.
Is there any way I can manage the task with ks.test?
It's not straightforward to compute the inverse of the
c.d.f in order to 
simulate data from that distribution...

Thank you very much in advance for your kind answers!
See you

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